Jan 19 - 21st: Meet us at PTC25

Have the autonomy to manage your digital infrastructure

Why We ExistMeet the TeamJoin us

Why We Exist

Hydra Host is revolutionizing the way data centers operate.

Henry Ford famously said, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Ford revolutionized the transportation industry through innovation and breaking the mold. Much like Ford, Hydra Host has a passion for thinking outside-the-box and putting the customer experience first. We don’t want to just improve your infrastructure as it exists today – we believe in revolutionizing the industry to put the power of compute back into the hands of consumers.

Hydra Host's mission is to give our customers autonomy to manage their digital infrastructure. We believe you should have real choices, not be held hostage by infrastructure providers.

  • We envision a marketplace cultivated of compute providers that enable users to maximize cost efficiency and infrastructure resiliency.

  • We believe security and privacy should be the default.

  • Pricing should be understandable, and maximize your choices as you scale

Meet Our Amazing Team

Photo of Aaron



Photo of Garrett



Photo of Ariel



Join The Team

We are passionate about creating a flexible, resilient, and secure future in technology - without compromising performance. Learn more about being a part of our cloud-agnostic innovation.

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